Economic Analysis of the Effectiveness of Plea-Bargaining Agreements in Tanzania Law and Practice

Publication Information

Journal Title: International Tax Law Review
Author(s): Erasto Anosisye
Published On: 08/12/2023
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
First Page: 11
Last Page: 25
ISSN: 2583 6838
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Erasto Anosisye, Economic Analysis of the Effectiveness of Plea-Bargaining Agreements in Tanzania Law and Practice, Volume 2, International Tax Law Review, 11-25, Published on 08/12/2023, Available at


This study aimed at making an assessment on the law and practice on the economic analysis of the effectiveness of plea bargaining agreements in Tanzania where the case study is Mwanza and Geita region. Thus this study examined the laws, policies, regulations and rules governing plea bargaining agreements in Tanzania and identifies the legal challenges facing the same. The Plea bargaining procedures were introduced in our criminal jurisprudence way back in 2019 through the Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendment) Act, which made reforms and accommodated Plea Bargaining as part of the Criminal jurisprudence by making significant amendment to the Criminal Procedure Act, the same were followed by the introduction of the Chief Justice rules which were intended to regulate the procedure during negotiations. The study was qualitative in nature and hence analytical as it analyzes the laws and then assesses the legal challenges which face the plea bargaining agreements in Tanzania.  The study provide an introduction to the study which gives the meaning, the brief origin of plea bargaining tracing from the USA legal regime and also the adoption of the same in the Tanzania criminal justice system.

Keywords: Economic, Agreements, Tanzania, Administration, Legal

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